
Curious About a Plant-Based Diet? Welcome!

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I'm Denise!

My mission is to reduce animal suffering in the world, one plate at a time!  Come on along and let's have some fun - those veggies aren't going to cook themselves! 

hey there

Going vegan does not mean giving up the good stuff!

TOp categories

Tips to help you stay healthy while keeping things simple!

You'll never miss the meat in these hearty recipes!

Let me start by saying: I think we’re going to be good friends! If you love animals, I already like you. And if you’re at least a little curious about a plant-based diet, then we have soooooo much to talk about! Grab a cup of whatever you’re into these days (me? Orange blossom white tea, thanks!) and let’s get to know each other!

I’ll go first – I’m Denise (my real name is Evelyn Denise, but I’ll answer to Ev, Evvie, Denise, Mom, or sometimes even Hey You). GLAD TO MEET YOU! I live just outside of Nashville, Tennessee. My sweet husband, Chris, and I met on a blind date in 1993 and we haven’t looked back since! We have two amazing grown kiddos, and we currently share our home with a big old mixed breed dog, Mason, and three nutty (but lovable!) cats.

I’m kind of a foodie and I love to play with recipes. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel like cooking every night of the week, and I’m embarrassed to say that Mason is on a first-name basis with the pizza delivery guy (veggie with no cheese, please!). But when I do cook, I jump all in. I like to put on some Harry Connick, Jr. and throw down. I tend to lean towards Italian or Mexican flavors, but I love to try new seasonings and combinations.

Full confession: I came pretty late to the whole plant-based diet idea. My dad was a meatcutter at the supermarket and I grew up on meat and potatoes, and if you asked me where our food came from, I would say the A&P. But like Maya Angelou said, “I did then what I knew best, when I knew better, I did better.” As I learned more about our horrific treatment of animals by the industrial farming industry, I came to a point where I couldn’t bring myself to eat meat anymore. And when I started studying nutrition through Cornell University, it sealed the deal. I am convinced that a MOSTLY plant-based diet is best for me.

I say mostly because I have two caveats to the rule: I will eat eggs if I know the farm and can see that the chickens are happy and healthy, and I occasionally eat a little salmon, because I have a VERY strong history of Alzheimer’s Disease in my family. There are some studies that show the Omega 3’s in fatty fish may be good for brain health, and I have to do what I can to beat the odds.

That’s why I like to tell people not to get too stuck on labels. You don’t have to be 100% vegan all the time to see a difference in your health, and even one meatless meal is one less animal on a plate. Just be mindful about what you’re eating and know where it’s coming from. Eat good, fresh, quality food. Support your local farmer.

So, are you ready to eat some veggies? Whether you are new to a plant-based diet or a hippie vegetarian from way back, I hope you’ll find something here that inspires you to get cooking!

And now it’s your turn! Drop me a note at, or use the contact form to get in touch! I’d love to hear from you!

Be well!

xo, Denise

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Happiness is a full bowl.

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    Hi, I'm Denise.
    I don't own a tofu press.

    Nothing against tofu presses, or tofu in general.  But I like to keep things simple in my kitchen.  More gadgets just means more clutter and more things to clean, right?  Most of the recipes here just require the basics - and some good, fresh ingredients. 

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